Moisture Control
Moisture control is the most severe threat to your home’s structural integrity. Fungus, wood rot, and termites attract moisture because they need it to live. We offer moisture control services to ensure your home is at the least risk of moisture damage, or termites and other pests.
One of our moisture control specialists will evaluate your home with moisture meters to signify what areas need attention. The moisture control specialist will then customize a plan for handling the concerns. This way, when the technicians arrive, they know exactly what needs to be fixed. As a homeowner, you should do a home inspection once a year, and have a moisture control specialist make sure your moisture levels are okay.
Once we figure out what you need, we can advise you regarding which services will fix your moisture problem. We offer all the moisture control services you might need, depending on your situation, including:​​
Fungus Treatments
Vapor Barriers
Treating Mold/ Fungus
If your crawl space has fallen victim to changing climate your structure might have fungus and/or mold growth. This can eat away at beams and make your home no longer structurally sound. At Mitch & Mitch Pest Control we treat infected fungus and mold areas to kill the current cultures and stop the growth of new spores.

Vapor Barrier
Crawl space vapor barriers are a valuable addition to your home’s crawl space, but homeowners often don't have them installed. Vapor barrier installation should occur when you build a home, buy a house, or consider your maintenance checklist. Installing a vapor barrier underneath your home can be instrumental in preventing health problems and keeping your home in good shape. A crawl space vapor barrier is also the best way to prevent moisture from seeping into your home.
Water and moisture can seep through walls and the dirt floor underneath your home. As moisture and humidity increase in a crawl space, the dark and damp environment spreads moisture and promotes the growth of mold and mildew. When you add a crawl space vapor barrier, it deters moisture from entering your home and prevents damage to the structure of your home caused by rotting wood, rusted metal, and damaged drywall. Sealing your crawl space with a vapor barrier allows it to stay dry and keeps the hazardous fumes caused by mold away from your family’s lungs.